Day 1 It’s a crisp, bright January morning and I’m on the bike cycling towards what’s left of the Commercial Dock close to the city centre where the massive chimney of the power station soars above the cranes that mark this otherwise largely desolate area. From there I move on to the abandoned concrete silo and the junction of the Commercial and Outer docks where bales of cotton used to be stored in the warehouses there. Behind the quayside there and in the streets running across the the Central Dock there are many big, old depots apparently still in regular use. Finally I move on up towards the newer Siffer Dock where there is a noticable change to wide, open spaces and where concrete buildings prevail over brick.
Day 2 Fairly bright again today but with some clouds to dapple the light a bit. Today’s route takes me over towards the Union Canal (Verbindingskanaal) which is where many of the late 19th and early 20th century industrial sites grew up. I cross the canal and head for the area around the new fire station where many of the former cotton mills were located. From there I follow the route of a former railway line and find myself probing mysterious, often dead-end roads that served the many factories that used to operate here. Finally I circle back via the Wiedauwkaai to the big Vynckier works before calling it a day and heading for home.
Day 3 A generally more overcast day with some occasional glimpses of blue sky as I set off towards the centre and then on to Dok Zuid, the hinterland of the municipal power station and the Afrikalaan. From there I circle back along the main R40 road that follows the line of the former fortress defences to the quiet of the Sint Antoniuskaai before finally wending my way towards the well-tended city centre.